House and pet-sitting

So, if I’ve been quiet for a while it’s because of these furry menaces, demanding all of my attention!


The musical-half and I are currently house-sitting in a little rural village in The Limousin, France, for an expat couple who are back in the uk for a few weeks. We have chickens, sheep and dogs to keep alive! For three weeks!! I must say, it’s a lot more pressure than I expected, being responsible for other people’s tiny creatures. I’m managing about three hours of design work a day in-between walkies, feeding, cleaning and such.

This was an experiment in lifestyle for us, as Chester travels with his music, and I need Internet for my work, looking after people’s homes seemed perfect… And it kind of is really, I just need to work out how to get some more hours of work in in a day!

Well must dash… Time for walkies!


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